People’s desire to change the world for the better manifests as rightist politics
The right has been the most significant political force in this country for the last 40 years
The right has appropriated but ultimately abuses the legacy from which the left also originates: the radical bourgeois tradition of the Enlightenment
Far from being closeted Confederates or Nazis, today’s right is historically and ideologically an outgrowth of the failure of Marxism. Thus, the right actually preserves and in some cases even advances some aspects of Marxism that the left has completely disowned. This in spite of superficially disparaging the very Marxism which gives the right its intelligibility in the first place
The right is currently the only force that understands that neoliberalism has died
On January 6, 2021, the right brought this country closer to political revolution than it has been in six decades
The right claims as its partisans our family members, friends, lovers, mentors, teammates, and fellow proletarians—for the sake of the people we love, we must undercut the legitimate but ultimately inadequate hold that it has over them. But this can only be done by first matching the right’s attractiveness and then providing everything the right necessarily lacks
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